22nd June (WEEK 13)
NG VEYHAN (0349223) / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media


Exercises: Type Expression & Text Formatting

Task 1: Type Expression & Text Formatting

Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication (Text Formatting and Expression)

Task 3A: Type Design & Communication (Font Design)

Task 3B: Type Design & Communication (Typographical Stickers)

TASK 1: Type Expression & Text Formatting


(Fig 01, Type Expression Artboard, 28/6/2021)

(Fig 02, Type Expression Artboard PDF submission, 28/6/2021)

(Fig 03, Animated GIF, 28/6/2021)


(Fig 04, Text Formatting Final, 28/6/2021)

(Fig 05, Text Formatting PDF submission, 28/6/2021)

TASK 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication

(Fig 06, Task 2 Sketch, 28/6/2021)

(Fig 07, Task 2 Final, 28/6/2021)

(Fig 08, Task 2 Final PDF submission, 28/6/2021)

Task 3A: Type Design & Communication (Font Design)

(Fig 09, Font Design Final, 28/6/2021)

(Fig 10, Font Design Final PDF submission, 28/6/2021)

(Fig 11, Font Design Poster, 28/6/2021)

(Fig 12, Font Design Poster PDF submission, 28/6/2021)

TASK 3B: Type Design & Communication (Typographical Stickers)

(Fig 13, Sticker Test, 28/6/2021)

(Fig 14, Sticker PDF submission, 28/6/2021)

(Fig 15, Sticker PNG submission, 28/6/2021)

Reflection on Semester


Over my first semester here in Taylor's, I found out first-hand that a design-oriented course was completely different than one focused on sciences, in types of work and the workflow behind it. Especially in the case of this Typography module, it was a whole different challenge than the other modules that the semester offered. 

While other modules challenged us to be creative with as many mediums as we can think of, typography challenged us to be creative with what little we had (in this case being limited to typefaces in a black and white colour scheme). While I wasn't really adept at picking up the subtle nuances of text arrangement and expression, I did feel that I have developed at least a little in this field. All in all, I felt that this module was the most challenging for me personally in this semester, but the knowledge that I have gained could serve me well in the future.


Typography is something that most people won't give a second glance to, but after studying this module and taking a look up close, there is so much thought that is put into each row and paragraph of lettering. When looking at typefaces for reference when designing our own, the work that I put into the few glyphs I designed pales in comparison to over a hundred glyphs that were designed immaculately by a professional, and that's not including those with alternate glyphs which bring the count higher.


I feel that typography is a large test of patience. Compared to other mediums where there is a steady indicator of process such as when illustrating or video editing, the practical execution of typography is less emphasized but rather the conceptual aspect is where most of the work is done. Mr. Vinod gave us some parting words before the end of the semester regarding finding a way to incorporate typography in our works in a way that suits us as individuals. While personally I do not feel keenly for this module, I do respect the amount of work that is put into these works by professionals to create a smooth reading experience. It would be wrong if I didn't at least put more effort into typography right now.



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